Become a Corporate Sponsor ($2500 contribution) and reap the benefits:
- Your company name and link (if you wish) on every page of WhoDunnit’s website for one year
- Listing in the top tier of every printed program for one year
- A sponsored performance on the date of your choice, including:
* A six-line promotional announcement at the beginning and at the end of the sponsored performance
* Sponsorship sign with your name posted in at least four prominent locations throughout the performance area
* Your literature at the door and/or on the tables
- Preferred seating, plus discounts ($3 off per person) on up to ten tickets
- Vote for your favorites in the annual WhoDunnit awards
- A 15% discount on a private party performance for your company
Plus help to ensure that WhoDunnit can continue to present the finest in mystery entertainment! Just call us at (502) 649-1829!